Internationale Studierende

Für internationale Bewerber_innen gelten folgende Regelungen der Hochschule Mannheim/International Applicants have to follow spezific regulations of Mannheim University of Applied Sciences

Hier finden Sie die Hinweise/Here you'll find more details

Grundsätzlich werden die Pflicht-Veranstaltungen im Master Soziale Arbeit auf Deutsch abgehalten. Gute Deutschkenntnisse werden daher vorausgesetzt. Hierfür wird ein Nachweis über ausreichende Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache verlangt (DSH, TestDaF).

M.A. Social Work

The Master programme in Social Work reacts to the increasing demands for professionals with a scientific basis and academic work in social work and the social economy. It follows an interdisciplinary approach and aligns its course offer particularly with methods of action and scientific working.

All lectures are held in german.

Objective of the programme

The programme aims to tie theoretical foundation with practical experience. It offers occupational perspectives and access to professional work as well as the opportunity to further qualify (e.g. PhD or consolidation of main focus areas).


The three pillars of the programme

  1. Methodical competence,
  2. Scientific and research competence,
  3. Competence in social work organisations and public administration


The characteristics of the programme

The programme involves a wide range of electives (about 50%) to develop your own profile, particularly with the large offer in methodical competence in education, such as an introduction to psychodynamic children- and youth therapy, conflict management and applied gerontology.